The Fussy Baby Site

Get Your Baby Sleeping Through the Night….By The End of the Week!

baby sleep bootcamp

Do any of the following sound familiar? Your little one:

  • Seems unable to soothe himself to sleep: This means that up until now, you may have needed to rock, nurse, pat, or swing your baby to sleep.
  • Takes short naps: When you do manage to get her to nap, she wakes up after 20-45 minutes and won’t go back to sleep (although she obviously needs to!).
  • Wakes frequently at night: Wakes up 3-12 times at night, and needs elaborate soothing to fall back asleep.
  • Wakes up super-early in the morning and won’t go back to sleep: Some high need babies wake at 4-5am and are ready to start the day.

Well, I’ve come across a way that over 90% of parents are getting their baby or toddler taking long, restorative naps, and sleeping through the night (11-12 hours, STRAIGHT) in just about a week.

Join us for Baby Sleep Bootcamp with sleep expert Dana Obleman, staring THIS Monday, April 22.

When I asked Dana is this Bootcamp was OK for highly sensitive babies, here was her response:

“I think that this is exactly why the boot camp would be the best option for the sensitive baby. The problem with books is that it’s hard to ask questions when the baby isn’t responding exactly as planned. It really is case specific as some sensitive babies will do better with a parent in the room, and other sensitive babies will do better with minimal interaction.  I also find that higher needs babies tend to take a little longer to find their own sleep skills. So some parents may worry that it’s “not working” if they don’t see the same kind of progress as someone else. It’s not that it’s not working, it’s just that for your baby, it’s going to take a little longer. It’s a bigger hill to climb, so to speak.”

So if you’re tired of dreading nap and bedtime, and have decided it’s time to do something about it, join us for Bootcamp!

Click here for more info.



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