The Fussy Baby Site

Tag Archives for " colic "

Top 10 Natural Remedies for Colicky Babies

When you have a baby with colic, you’re desperate to try anything to help soothe her into comfort. It can feel very defeating when you try to calm your baby and nothing works. Babies with colic

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Resources for Surviving Infant Colic

Are you at the end of your rope with your colicky baby? This post will point you to all the resources you need to get through this extremely challenging time. Following are some of our most popular blog

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Sabine’s Story: How We Survived Colic

I know they say pregnancy is not a disease. But I sure felt sick all the way through. I went through just about everything in my pregnancy books chapter on side effects. The nausea started early and never

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Kimberly’s Story: How to Survive with a High Need Baby

I write this story as my 10 month old daughter sleeps quietly in her crib. She is sleeping alone, in her room, self-soothing, and for more than 20 minutes. I write this story as a survivor. That is

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Sierra’s Story: Colic and Chiropractic

I have been on this site for a couple weeks now, reading all your posts and comments about all your sweet babies and how they are high needs, fussy, colicky, acid reflux, etc. I have read through all

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Ages and Stages of the Fussy Baby

When Sammy was a baby, I would have given anything to have an idea of what to expect as each month (and even week) passed. Something to give me hope that things WOULD get easier. Or if they weren’t

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Monica’s Story: Great Expectations, Hard Truths

I was exhausted from another day of screaming. Just when it seemed like the light at the end of the tunnel was shining on us, we were in the dark again. At 8 months, I have spent my every waking and sleeping

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Home Remedies for Colic

If you’ve read my blogs on this site before, you know I’m a little on the crunchy side. I’m also a 4-Star Fussy Baby Veteran with Purple Tear award. Really, don’t you wish there were such an award?

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