The Fussy Baby Site

Category Archives for High Need Toddlers

What Makes A Baby High Need?

This is a question that many parents of high need babies struggle with. They want to understand why their child is so fussy, discontent and unpredictable. They think that if they can pin down the cause,

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3 Research-Backed Ways To Help Your High Need Baby Sleep

In a recent survey, I asked parents of high need babies about sleep. Based on what I’ve heard from parents over the past nine years of running this site, I felt quite confident in being able to predict

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Is It Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) or High Needs?

High need babies are known for their sensitivity and intensity. High needs is a continuum, of course, but most high need babies tend to fall on the high end of the scale when it comes to these two traits. Because

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The Myth Of “You Made Him That Way”

Do you ever wonder if you caused your baby’s fussiness or high need behaviours? If so, you’re not alone. When you see other people’s babies sitting contentedly in the stroller, or sleeping

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7 Great Products for High Need Babies

When Sammy was a baby, I tried all sorts of products that promised to help him sleep, calm him down or keep him entertained. But guess what? I discovered that the products recommended in baby books and

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Meg’s Story: An Invitation to Meet Colicky, High Need and Spirited Moms Near You

Becoming a mom is amazing. BUT. Why does there always have to be a “but” attached to something good? Well, as with any major life change, becoming a mom can come with growing pains… and pretty tough

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The Most Harmful Misconception About Spirited Kids

I first learned about the term ‘spirited child’ when my Sammy was just about a year old. A friend gave me Mary Sheedy Kurcinka’s excellent book, Raising Your Spirited Child, and I couldn’t

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Restaurant Gives Discount for Kids With Good Behaviour: A Good Idea or Not?

  Photo from Reddit A photo originally posted on Reddit has been flying around my Facebook newsfeed the past couple of days. It was also the subject of some pretty heated debate on my favourite

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50 Pieces of Stellar Advice New Moms Are Dying to Receive

You know how sometimes you see a struggling mom and don’t just want to say the same old boring stuff? Stuff like “How can I help?”, or “Here, let me take your baby so you can get

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Letting Go of the ‘Should’s’

There is one thing, one insidious thing, that makes life with a high need child 10x harder than it needs to be. It’s not the fact that your little one wakes up 5 times a night. It’s not that

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