The Fussy Baby Site

Category Archives for General Parenting

For Everything You Have Missed…

      “For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else. It is about your outlook towards life. You can either

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Q & A with Mary Sheedy Kurcinka

Have you ever wondered how you’re supposed to react during your toddler’s temper tantrums? Or what about what to do when your baby or toddler consistently wakes up SUPER early in the morning?

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Giving Up Control

Sometimes in life there are things we cannot control. We cannot control the weather, for example, but we can control our preparation for rain or snow. Fussy and high-needs babies are out of our control.

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Happy Mother’s Day

I remember my first Mother’s Day well, and it wasn’t for the reason that lots of other moms remember their first Mother’s Day. My daughter was just shy of 3 months old and screaming up a storm while

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The Wheel of Choice

Who doesn’t need another tool in their arsenal of anti-tantrum strategies? I recently came across the idea of the Wheel of Choice. It comes from the positive discipline model of parenting, and helps

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I’m Not Cut Out To Be A Stay At Home Mom

I saw this meme a few months ago. It shows the difference between what the outside world thinks a stay at home mom does, and then shows what it’s really like. I admit that, until I had kids of my

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Calming Your Fussy Baby: A Primer

As an addendum to my earlier “Colic Primer” I thought maybe it would be helpful to provide some really tangible ideas to try to help navigate the stressful days of colic beyond just saying “Try it

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How to Wear a Fussy Baby

Do you wear your baby? Parents of fussy, colicky and high need babies often report that their babies do best when they’re being carried or held. Although at first they may resist (strongly) being

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An Inconvenient Truth: Parenting is a Tough Job

It’s been a rough couple of weeks. Emily had a stomach bug, then Chloe had a stomach bug which turned into a cold, which turned into some other flu-like virus. Then Emily got the flu-like virus, and

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Faking It

I am an educated woman. I have a university degree and a college diploma. I am able to do simple math equations and can find my way out of corn mazes with ease. I have some level of intelligence. So

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