The Fussy Baby Site

Category Archives for Sleep

Cheril’s Story: A Fussy Baby & Sleep Issues

Our firstborn, Adrian, was born after a long, hard labor. Latching was a difficult process that took over a month to develop; I used a shield to help him to latch for feeding time for a month. We tried

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Sleep Training A High Need Baby

Recently a mom on our Facebook page asked about sleep training her high need 5 month old son. She wrote: We have a 5mth old. He has needed to be bounced to sleep, but has now gotten to heavy for me to

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The Happiest Baby on the Block

Dr. Harvey Karp’s techniques are based on the theory that babies are essentially born 3 months too soon (the ‘Fourth Trimester’). When they were in utero they were used to being ‘held’ 24 hours

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Sleep and Fussy Babies

Many parents of fussy babies complain that their little ones are unpredictable when it comes to sleep. In fact, sleep issues are one of the most common problems brought up by members of our Facebook support

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