My husband and I turned to a fertility specialist in order to conceive our daughter. It was a heartbreaking time when all I wanted was to get pregnant and I just couldn’t. Finally, though, we conceived.
Continue readingThe last thing I ever expected in life was to have a high need baby. I already had 2 gorgeous girls who were unusually happy and content so when I became pregnant with our 3rd child, my little Zachary,
Continue readingWhen I found out I was pregnant again, we knew we had a challenging time ahead of us. About two thirds through my pregnancy, we moved from Germany back to the USA and it was not just a move. My husband
Continue reading“Sometimes I am just so tired. Actually make that most of the time. And I feel so frustrated that most moms don’t have an inkling of what it’s like to have a high need baby. I just never EVER
Continue readingI’m honoured to share Alex’s story with you today. But, I also hesitated to publish it. Here’s why: Having a colicky or high need baby is hard. Really, really hard. (If you don’t
Continue readingI think this is an important story to share with you. Many of the personal stories we post on the blog follow a few predictable patterns: A baby suddenly becomes fussy at 2 weeks of age (colic), a colicky
Continue readingMy name is Natasha and I am a postpartum/nursery nurse. I have always wanted to be a mom. When I found out I was pregnant with our first in 08′ we were thrilled. I thought I knew all there was to
Continue readingWhen your child is different than other kids, than 80% of the babies born, it can be hard not to worry. What have I worried about? Oh just a few things….like: Everything I ate during pregnancy must
Continue readingBefore I had kids, I had a very vivid picture of what I assumed parenting a newborn would look like. In the mornings I would get my baby out of her crib, and bring her into my bed to cuddle. After a few
Continue readingIn the months leading up to the birth of our first child, Everly, I did enough reading, watched enough movies and talked to enough parents to know that the first few months would be a blur of sleepless
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