The Fussy Baby Site

Category Archives for Stories

Melissa’s Story: A High Need Baby After Infertility

My husband and I turned to a fertility specialist in order to conceive our daughter. It was a heartbreaking time when all I wanted was to get pregnant and I just couldn’t. Finally, though, we conceived.

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Amber’s Story: Feelings of Failure with a High Need Baby

The last thing I ever expected in life was to have a high need baby. I already had 2 gorgeous girls who were unusually happy and content so when I became pregnant with our 3rd child, my little Zachary,

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Nadine’s Story: Accepting a High Need Baby

When I found out I was pregnant again, we knew we had a challenging time ahead of us. About two thirds through my pregnancy, we moved from Germany back to the USA and it was not just a move. My husband

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Liwen’s Story: Running on Empty

“Sometimes I am just so tired. Actually make that most of the time. And I feel so frustrated that most moms don’t have an inkling of what it’s like to have a high need baby. I just never EVER

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Alex’s Story: “Thank Goodness I Can Hear Those Cries”

I’m honoured to share Alex’s story with you today. But, I also hesitated to publish it. Here’s why: Having a colicky or high need baby is hard. Really, really hard. (If you don’t

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Heather’s Story: Having a Baby That Never Slept

I think this is an important story to share with you. Many of the personal stories we post on the blog follow a few predictable patterns: A baby suddenly becomes fussy at 2 weeks of age (colic), a colicky

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Natasha’s Story: Two Colicky Babies

My name is Natasha and I am a postpartum/nursery nurse. I have always wanted to be a mom. When I found out I was pregnant with our first in 08′ we were thrilled. I thought I knew all there was to

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He’s My Child, No Matter What

When your child is different than other kids, than 80% of the babies born, it can be hard not to worry. What have I worried about? Oh just a few things….like: Everything I ate during pregnancy must

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When Cuddles Won’t Cure Your Baby

Before I had kids, I had a very vivid picture of what I assumed parenting a newborn would look like. In the mornings I would get my baby out of her crib, and bring her into my bed to cuddle. After a few

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Krista’s Story: In Over My Head

In the months leading up to the birth of our first child, Everly, I did enough reading, watched enough movies and talked to enough parents to know that the first few months would be a blur of sleepless

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