The Fussy Baby Site

Category Archives for Stories

The Dangers of Sleep Deprivation and Melatonin Use in Kids

*02/15/2013 update at bottom of post *09/06/2013 update at bottom of post Sleep deprivation is a common complaint around here (especially at our Facebook group). High need babies tend to have trouble

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Christine’s Story: When 1 + 1 is the Loneliest Number of All

  6pm. Walking frantically around the neighbourhood with my screaming 4 week old baby. Trying to ignore people on the streets giving me looks that say “is she murdering that baby?”. Texting

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A Different Outlook

People always say that your views on things change when you have a child. I often would nod my head in agreement stating that of course it does. However, I didn’t quite realize to what degree. The world

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Jeni’s Story: Breastfeeding the Fussy Baby

Breastfeeding a fussy baby is emotionally taxing because you don’t feel as if you can ever be away from her for more than an hour (or ten minutes in my case). As her only source of nourishment, I

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Monica’s Story: Great Expectations, Hard Truths

I was exhausted from another day of screaming. Just when it seemed like the light at the end of the tunnel was shining on us, we were in the dark again. At 8 months, I have spent my every waking and sleeping

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Jeni’s Story: Survival is the Only Option

I distinctly remember standing in my friend Christina’s backyard, swaying back and forth as a three-month-old Ella slept, head slumped against my shoulder after having cried her way through the entire

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Amy’s Story: “Doing it all Wrong”

Conceived during Hurricane Irene and born during a major thunderstorm, my little Zoe seemed destined to have a tumultuous babyhood. The pain she gave me in the womb from her seemingly super-strength kickboxing

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Is this thing on?

Whenever I start up a conversation with a random mom and they mention that they had such a good first baby, but that their second one is much more difficult, I immediately tell them about The Fussy Baby

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Christine’s Story: Running on Fumes

My 10-month-old baby girl is bad sleeper. A terrible sleeper, in fact. For various reasons, such as reflux, gas and, probably by now, behavioural training, E is a baby who, quite frequently, likes to party

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Jeni’s Story: A Moment of Bliss

I had imagined the first few months of motherhood to be filled with blissful moments of effortless breastfeeding, a cooing, happy baby, and a sense of accomplishment and purpose. Motherhood turned out

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