The Fussy Baby Site

Category Archives for Stories

I’m Not Cut Out To Be A Stay At Home Mom

I saw this meme a few months ago. It shows the difference between what the outside world thinks a stay at home mom does, and then shows what it’s really like. I admit that, until I had kids of my

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Lindsay’s Story

Sophia is my first child, born July 27th, 2011, 1 day before her due date. After trying to get pregnant for a year, my husband and I found out that we had done it! We were so excited. I have wanted children

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Sleep Strategies for Babies 101

Some of my worst memories from when my kids were babies are related to sleep. I’m pretty sure I have a tiny bit of PTSD from listening to them cry in their cribs and having NO CLUE what to do about

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Feelings I Never Thought I’d Have

As the parent of a fussy baby who sounded like he was in the worst pain possible for at least a few hours each day, I was confident he had some type of medical issue. My husband and I dragged our screaming

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The Spirited Child: Living with No Filters

For Chloe, the world has no off switch and no tuner. In my last post I talked about perceptiveness. It’s one of the most impressive traits of a spirited child. They don’t miss anything, and it can

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Rhonda’s Story: How We’ve Survived a High Need Child

In 2008, my husband and I received into the world what would be a compendium of baby experiences to test our patience and our marriage. Kayah was born in May, 2008, in all of her red-headed screaming glory.

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Santa with the Dark Cheeks

As I mentioned in a previous post, fussy babies often make for amazing children. Don’t take my word for it. If you look at the literature out there, you’ll see that you’re in for a real

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We Never Meant to be the Uptight Parents

I remember quite clearly a discussion I had with Julie before Chloe was born. We were talking about how we’d raise our kids – the attitudes we’d take, our style of parenting. I said to Julie: “Don’t

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Those Precious Newborn Days (Or So I Hear)

“Enjoy these early days. They go so fast” Ha. If I had a nickle for every time someone said that to me in the newborn days. In fairness, some people didn’t know my daughter had colic.

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The Good Baby Question

“Is He a Good Baby?” As a new mother of a seemingly “good baby” I was happy to answer this question. “Oh Yes he is! He doesn’t cry very much… mostly he just sleeps in my lap

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