The Fussy Baby Site

Category Archives for Medical Conditions

7 Moms Tested Colic Gone for Reflux & Colic | Our Review

I get a ton of requests to do product reviews on the blog….at least a few each week. And yet I only do 3-4 each year. This is because I’m only interested in reviewing products that are extremely

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Is It Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) or High Needs?

High need babies are known for their sensitivity and intensity. High needs is a continuum, of course, but most high need babies tend to fall on the high end of the scale when it comes to these two traits. Because

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Baby Cries All Day: Is it Possible to Have All-Day Colic?

It it possible to have all-day colic? If not, why does my baby cry all day? Prior to having kids, you might have imagined parenthood something like this:  You bring your baby home from the hospital,

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Rare Causes of Infant Fussiness

Before you read this post, please be assured that the following conditions are extremely rare. In my 7 years of running this site, I’ve only heard from a handful of parents whose babies have been

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Feeding a Fussy Baby: Causes, Challenges and Solutions

One of the most challenging aspects of having a fussy baby is feeding. Parents of fussy or high need babies often report short, unpredictable and difficult feedings, regardless of whether the baby is

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Diaper Rash

Diaper rash (officially called diaper dermatitis), is an extremely common, and usually harmless condition in infants. Diaper rash is particularly common in newborns, and can cause your baby a fair bit

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Gas Pain

Many parents report that their baby’s crying seems to be caused by gas. This theory is supposedly confirmed when parents notice a slightly distended belly, or when gas is released after burping or

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Milk Allergy or Sensitivity

Milk Allergies and Sensitivities in Babies Many babies who fuss or cry throughout the day are suspected of reacting to something the mom is eating or the milk protein in their formula. There is often confusion

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Acid Reflux & GERD

Reflux, Spitting Up, & GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) It’s pretty likely your baby spits up; about half of babies do. And it can be frustrating, wondering whether your baby is crying because

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Annilee’s Story: A Baby with a Dairy Intolerance

When our son was born, he was calm…until they took him away to do his vitals…and then he screamed. He actually sounded like a flock of seagulls, it was so loud and screechy. My husband and

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