The Fussy Baby Site

Category Archives for Stories

Getting Through The Fussy Stage: A Story Of Hope

Editor’s note: Special thanks to Leslee Harrington for sharing her story of hope with us! My son James was born November 13, 2014 at 39 weeks. He was a planned Cesarean since he was breech.  I

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Sammy’s First Christmas

Christmas has always been my favorite time of year. Being with family, eating decadent food, playing in the snow (the rare time we get it here in Vancouver)…these are the things I look forward to

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Colic Diaries: A Real Mom’s Story

*This post was originally published on the Colief Infant Drops blog. This is a sponsored post, meaning I have been compensated for writing it. However, the experiences and opinions below are 100% my own.  Colic

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Our High Need Journey: Kelly’s Story

Lillian was born full of personality.  I didn’t get to spend a whole bunch of time with her before she was whisked off to NICU, but in the time spent with her she was quick to reveal some of her

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Chrissy’s Story: Colic, Guilt and Postpartum Depression

My story starts before my little girl was born. Man, she was a character even in my belly. She was ALWAYS moving in there! And boy, did she give my ribs and bladder a work out; being so petite (she was

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The Gift of the Not-So-Easy Baby

“It’s not walking away when a mirror is held up in front of you and you see how much you are ruled by the expectations of society instead of what your desires are and the needs of your family.” A

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Heidi’s Story: Planning For The “Perfect” Baby

God started preparing me for my son ten years ago when I landed in a job working at the WIC (women, infant, and child) program as a nutritionist and they sent me for training to become certified as lactation

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Sabine’s Story: How We Survived Colic

I know they say pregnancy is not a disease. But I sure felt sick all the way through. I went through just about everything in my pregnancy books chapter on side effects. The nausea started early and never

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Kimberly’s Story: How to Survive with a High Need Baby

I write this story as my 10 month old daughter sleeps quietly in her crib. She is sleeping alone, in her room, self-soothing, and for more than 20 minutes. I write this story as a survivor. That is

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A Brief History of The Fussy Baby Site

I can’t remember the exact moment I decided to start The Fussy Baby Site, but I know it was when Sammy was 5 months old (5 months old!!!) and my daughter was almost 3. The first months were filled

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