The Fussy Baby Site

Archive Monthly Archives: January 2012

Travelling with a Colicky or Spirited Child

We’ve been on vacation in Florida now for about 2 weeks, which is why I haven’t posted lately. (By the way, to any American readers, I am very jealous that you have Florida. Thank you for sharing it

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Trusting Your Parental Gut

Whether you are a mommy or a daddy, you have an unexplainable inner knowledge of what is best for your child as well as what is absolutely NOT. Sometimes it is a tiny whisper in the back of your brain

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Good Enough

  Parenting is hard. Being a mom or a dad, is hard. Pulling that battery out of your 8 month old’s mouth? Easy choice. How to handle epic tantrums? Not so easy. The thing about parenting is

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Because I’m Mommy

“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something

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Feelings I Never Thought I’d Have

As the parent of a fussy baby who sounded like he was in the worst pain possible for at least a few hours each day, I was confident he had some type of medical issue. My husband and I dragged our screaming

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The Spirited Child: Living with No Filters

For Chloe, the world has no off switch and no tuner. In my last post I talked about perceptiveness. It’s one of the most impressive traits of a spirited child. They don’t miss anything, and it can

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