The Fussy Baby Site

Category Archives for Colic

Solving the Mystery of The High Needs Puzzle

I’ve heard several people refer to “the high needs puzzle”, and it’s a term I’m growing to use and love more and more. Too often, we’re told that there is one, singular

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Chrissy’s Story: Colic, Guilt and Postpartum Depression

My story starts before my little girl was born. Man, she was a character even in my belly. She was ALWAYS moving in there! And boy, did she give my ribs and bladder a work out; being so petite (she was

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The Gift of the Not-So-Easy Baby

“It’s not walking away when a mirror is held up in front of you and you see how much you are ruled by the expectations of society instead of what your desires are and the needs of your family.” A

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Is My Baby Colicky or High Needs?

One of the tricky parts of running this site is constantly trying not to scare new parents into thinking their colicky baby is going to turn into a ‘high need’ baby! If you’re new to

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Merry Christmas to Us!!! Rock ‘n Play Has Gone Automated

Someone on our Facebook group shared this today with the caption: Oh Joy to the World! 🙂 I couldn’t wait to share it with you. This is perhaps the most popular product used around these parts

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Heidi’s Story: Planning For The “Perfect” Baby

God started preparing me for my son ten years ago when I landed in a job working at the WIC (women, infant, and child) program as a nutritionist and they sent me for training to become certified as lactation

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Top 10 Natural Remedies for Colicky Babies

When you have a baby with colic, you’re desperate to try anything to help soothe her into comfort. It can feel very defeating when you try to calm your baby and nothing works. Babies with colic

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Resources for Surviving Infant Colic

Are you at the end of your rope with your colicky baby? This post will point you to all the resources you need to get through this extremely challenging time. Following are some of our most popular blog

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Sabine’s Story: How We Survived Colic

I know they say pregnancy is not a disease. But I sure felt sick all the way through. I went through just about everything in my pregnancy books chapter on side effects. The nausea started early and never

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Kimberly’s Story: How to Survive with a High Need Baby

I write this story as my 10 month old daughter sleeps quietly in her crib. She is sleeping alone, in her room, self-soothing, and for more than 20 minutes. I write this story as a survivor. That is

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