The Fussy Baby Site

Labeling Our Babies

I don’t want to use words too soon about a baby, other than, ‘Gee, they’re really telling us they have needs, and how can we meet those needs?’. –Linda Budd Before your baby was born, you probably

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Gas Pain

Many parents report that their baby’s crying seems to be caused by gas. This theory is supposedly confirmed when parents notice a slightly distended belly, or when gas is released after burping or

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Milk Allergy or Sensitivity

Milk Allergies and Sensitivities in Babies Many babies who fuss or cry throughout the day are suspected of reacting to something the mom is eating or the milk protein in their formula. There is often confusion

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The Gastrocolic Reflex

*Note: The section below refers to the Gastrocolic Reflex, not reflux The gastrocolic reflex is the reflex that is triggered when we eat, which stimulates the colon to start emptying itself to make room

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Acid Reflux & GERD

Reflux, Spitting Up, & GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) It’s pretty likely your baby spits up; about half of babies do. And it can be frustrating, wondering whether your baby is crying because

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Why is my baby fussy?

Obviously there isn’t going to be one magic answer to this question. What makes one baby cry may not even phase another baby. And what makes one baby fuss, may make another baby shriek. This is the

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Ashley’s Story: A Fussy Baby and Postpartum Depression

Haylie was born in April 2009 and nothing about it was easy. I had gestational hypertension, so at 38 weeks they decided to induce me. 48 hours later, I wouldn’t dilate past 9cm and they decided

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Jill’s Story: Having a High Need Twin

I am a mom of 11 1/2 month old twin daughters and one of my twins is what I would call a high need baby. I was so excited to be having my daughters but quickly realized that my life was going to be more

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Temperament and Fussiness: When Do I Know if My Child is Spirited?

Dr. Mary Sheedy Kurcinka, author of the book, Raising Your Spirited Child, first coined the term ‘spirited child’ over 20 years ago. Being careful not to slap labels on kids (especially babies), she

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Colic and Postpartum Depression

A Strong Link between Infant Fussiness and Depression While rarely talked about, it’s no surprise that infant fussiness and postpartum depression are linked. In fact, a 2005 study done by Brown Medical

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