The Fussy Baby Site

Archive Monthly Archives: December 2011

Rhonda’s Story: How We’ve Survived a High Need Child

In 2008, my husband and I received into the world what would be a compendium of baby experiences to test our patience and our marriage. Kayah was born in May, 2008, in all of her red-headed screaming glory.

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Calm Your Baby Naturally Through Food Choices

As a huge natural living fan, I tend to take a more holistic approach when it comes to parenting, and naturally this includes colic and baby soothing solutions. Through my learning process, I’ve learned

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Santa with the Dark Cheeks

As I mentioned in a previous post, fussy babies often make for amazing children. Don’t take my word for it. If you look at the literature out there, you’ll see that you’re in for a real

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I Was a Much Better Parent Before I Had Kids

Sean’s great post last week got me thinking. I don’t know about you, but I was the world’s best parent before I had kids. I knew all of the tips and tricks to get my fictional children

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I’m Holly. Who are you?

Hi! My name is Holly, what’s yours? I’m 35 years old, and mom to two awesome kids, ages 5 and 7. I’ve been married to a wonderful, supportive man for 13 years. I attribute much of our

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We Never Meant to be the Uptight Parents

I remember quite clearly a discussion I had with Julie before Chloe was born. We were talking about how we’d raise our kids – the attitudes we’d take, our style of parenting. I said to Julie: “Don’t

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