The Fussy Baby Site

Archive Monthly Archives: October 2012

Alex’s Story: “Thank Goodness I Can Hear Those Cries”

I’m honoured to share Alex’s story with you today. But, I also hesitated to publish it. Here’s why: Having a colicky or high need baby is hard. Really, really hard. (If you don’t

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Heather’s Story: Having a Baby That Never Slept

I think this is an important story to share with you. Many of the personal stories we post on the blog follow a few predictable patterns: A baby suddenly becomes fussy at 2 weeks of age (colic), a colicky

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Baby White Noise Solutions

If you’ve had a fussy or high need baby for more than say, 1 day, you’ve probably already heard about white noise and how it can help fussy babies with sleep. In case you DID just give birth

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Do You Have a Village?

Do you have a village? Is it your your mother, your sister, your moms group, your neighbor? Or maybe your best friend? I am a few years removed now from my fussy and colicky newborns. But I am never removed

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Saying Good-Bye to Sleep Crutches

What would you do if I told you that in order for your baby to be the BEST sleeper and to get those nice long nights sleeps and daytime naps that the soother has to go in the garbage can? Or that you

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Natasha’s Story: Two Colicky Babies

My name is Natasha and I am a postpartum/nursery nurse. I have always wanted to be a mom. When I found out I was pregnant with our first in 08′ we were thrilled. I thought I knew all there was to

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He’s My Child, No Matter What

When your child is different than other kids, than 80% of the babies born, it can be hard not to worry. What have I worried about? Oh just a few things….like: Everything I ate during pregnancy must

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