The Fussy Baby Site

Category Archives for Soothing a Fussy Baby

Calming Your Fussy Baby: A Primer

As an addendum to my earlier “Colic Primer” I thought maybe it would be helpful to provide some really tangible ideas to try to help navigate the stressful days of colic beyond just saying “Try it

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How to Wear a Fussy Baby

Do you wear your baby? Parents of fussy, colicky and high need babies often report that their babies do best when they’re being carried or held. Although at first they may resist (strongly) being

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Fisher Price Aquarium Cradle Swing Review

*Edited to add: The Fisher Price Aquarium Cradle Swing is no longer available for sale, however Fisher Price makes a wide variety of cradle swings with the same functionality as the Aquarium Swing. See

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How to Soothe a Spirited Child

While intensity, when channeled appropriately, can be a positive personality trait, more often that not it is a source of extreme frustration for both spirited kids and their parents. Spirited children

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Ask the Chiropractor

Ask the Pediatric Chiropractor: Dr. Stephanie Bonn Question: My newborn seems to spit up more than other babies. He spits up at least 3-4 times a day, but it doesn’t seem to bother him (he doesn’t

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Chiropractic & Colic

By Dr. Stephanie Bonn So many parents, including myself, have experienced the inconsolable cries of their newborn baby. Almost overnight, their angel baby can no longer be calmed even though her diaper

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The Happiest Baby on the Block

Dr. Harvey Karp’s techniques are based on the theory that babies are essentially born 3 months too soon (the ‘Fourth Trimester’). When they were in utero they were used to being ‘held’ 24 hours

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Treatments for Colic

Current Medical Treatments for ‘Colic’ I hope at this point, you are not holding out hope for the ‘old school’ treatments for colic that are still being recommended (sometimes even by doctors).

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How to Soothe a Crying Baby

By Judy Arnall, Founder of Attachment Parenting Canada It’s 8pm and your baby won’t stop crying. You’ve checked for signs of illness, and she seems healthy. She’s just not happy and you are desperate

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