The Fussy Baby Site

Research On High Need Babies [Fact Sheet]

High need baby research

For parents of fussy or high need babies, there are often more questions than there are answers.

Some of these questions might be:

  • Where did the term “high need baby” come from?
  • How many babies are born fussy or high need?
  • What causes some babies to be fussier than others?
  • Could something I have done during my pregnancy caused my baby to be high need?
  • What does the research say about the best way to parent high need babies?

I’ve spent a lot of time over the past several months scouring the research to see what we REALLY know about high need babies.

What I found was quite surprising.

While there’s still a lot we DON’T know, it turns out there are a fair number of researchers who have grappled with the questions above. My guess is they had high need babies of their own!

To find out what we know about fussy and high need babies, click on the link below. It will open up a 4-page pdf fact sheet you can view on your computer or mobile device.

If you’re a researcher and have a suggestion for other resources to include in this fact sheet, please shoot me an email.

The High Need Baby Fact Sheet