The Fussy Baby Site

Archive Monthly Archives: August 2012

Giving PC Diapers a Try: A Review

When I decided to test out PC Diapers I was skeptical. In general, when it comes to diapers, I do not like store brands at all. I’ve had some pretty bad luck with diapers, and given that my wonderful

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Christine’s Story: When 1 + 1 is the Loneliest Number of All

  6pm. Walking frantically around the neighbourhood with my screaming 4 week old baby. Trying to ignore people on the streets giving me looks that say “is she murdering that baby?”. Texting

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Does H. Pylori Bacteria Cause Colic?

New research suggests a possible link. A small study conducted in rural Gizan, Saudi Arabia, tested 55 patients with infant colic. Of the 55 infants, who were between the ages of 2 weeks and 4 months,

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Try To Stress Less Super Mommy

Let’s face it, being a new mom or a second or third time mom is a huge life change. No matter how experienced you are or no matter how many books you have read or schedules you have created, it is not

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Ages and Stages of the Fussy Baby

When Sammy was a baby, I would have given anything to have an idea of what to expect as each month (and even week) passed. Something to give me hope that things WOULD get easier. Or if they weren’t

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Struggling with Sleep? Free Fussy Baby Sleep Clinic

Sleep (or more accurately, the lack thereof) is one of the most popular topics on this site. Let me prove it. Does your baby or toddler: Resist or refuse naps? Have difficulty soothing himself to sleep? Wake

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A Different Outlook

People always say that your views on things change when you have a child. I often would nod my head in agreement stating that of course it does. However, I didn’t quite realize to what degree. The world

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Jeni’s Story: Breastfeeding the Fussy Baby

Breastfeeding a fussy baby is emotionally taxing because you don’t feel as if you can ever be away from her for more than an hour (or ten minutes in my case). As her only source of nourishment, I

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Monica’s Story: Great Expectations, Hard Truths

I was exhausted from another day of screaming. Just when it seemed like the light at the end of the tunnel was shining on us, we were in the dark again. At 8 months, I have spent my every waking and sleeping

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The Aftermath of Colic: Are You ‘Over It’?

My kids, both former colicky babies, are now 12 and 10. In one way, colic is just a “thing” that happened over a decade ago. And yet, I believe that for many of us, colic stays with us in

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