The Fussy Baby Site

Category Archives for Colic & High Need Babies

How to Wear a Fussy Baby

Do you wear your baby? Parents of fussy, colicky and high need babies often report that their babies do best when they’re being carried or held. Although at first they may resist (strongly) being

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Lindsay’s Story

Sophia is my first child, born July 27th, 2011, 1 day before her due date. After trying to get pregnant for a year, my husband and I found out that we had done it! We were so excited. I have wanted children

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Fisher Price Aquarium Cradle Swing Review

*Edited to add: The Fisher Price Aquarium Cradle Swing is no longer available for sale, however Fisher Price makes a wide variety of cradle swings with the same functionality as the Aquarium Swing. See

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Beware of Opinions that Pass for Gospel

The other day, an acquaintance of Julie’s asked for help with her child’s sleep through a posting on Facebook. Instead of help, she got a link to Dangers of Crying it Out: Damaging children and their

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Sleep Strategies for Babies 101

Some of my worst memories from when my kids were babies are related to sleep. I’m pretty sure I have a tiny bit of PTSD from listening to them cry in their cribs and having NO CLUE what to do about

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Travelling with a Colicky or Spirited Child

We’ve been on vacation in Florida now for about 2 weeks, which is why I haven’t posted lately. (By the way, to any American readers, I am very jealous that you have Florida. Thank you for sharing it

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Feelings I Never Thought I’d Have

As the parent of a fussy baby who sounded like he was in the worst pain possible for at least a few hours each day, I was confident he had some type of medical issue. My husband and I dragged our screaming

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The Spirited Child: Living with No Filters

For Chloe, the world has no off switch and no tuner. In my last post I talked about perceptiveness. It’s one of the most impressive traits of a spirited child. They don’t miss anything, and it can

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Rhonda’s Story: How We’ve Survived a High Need Child

In 2008, my husband and I received into the world what would be a compendium of baby experiences to test our patience and our marriage. Kayah was born in May, 2008, in all of her red-headed screaming glory.

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I Was a Much Better Parent Before I Had Kids

Sean’s great post last week got me thinking. I don’t know about you, but I was the world’s best parent before I had kids. I knew all of the tips and tricks to get my fictional children

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