The Fussy Baby Site

Tag Archives for " Screaming "

This is Not the Child I Dreamt of

High need babies are known to ‘live out loud’. These are the babies who will let you know their displeasure the very moment their poop hits the diaper, or the second they feel their first twinge of

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Renae’s Story: The Power of Gratitude

A precious baby boy dies from complications of acute myeloid leukemia. Two days prior, he served as the best man in his parents’ wedding. The story, which likely would have brought me to tears prior

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Aubrey’s Story: Hope in the Journey

My husband and I have a by-the-book high-need baby who cried a lot in his first 8 months of life. Our son, our first baby, cried (and screamed) more often than not in the beginning, but he cried every

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Nadine’s Story: Accepting a High Need Baby

When I found out I was pregnant again, we knew we had a challenging time ahead of us. About two thirds through my pregnancy, we moved from Germany back to the USA and it was not just a move. My husband

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Christine’s Story: When 1 + 1 is the Loneliest Number of All

  6pm. Walking frantically around the neighbourhood with my screaming 4 week old baby. Trying to ignore people on the streets giving me looks that say “is she murdering that baby?”. Texting

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Monica’s Story: Great Expectations, Hard Truths

I was exhausted from another day of screaming. Just when it seemed like the light at the end of the tunnel was shining on us, we were in the dark again. At 8 months, I have spent my every waking and sleeping

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Jeni’s Story: Survival is the Only Option

I distinctly remember standing in my friend Christina’s backyard, swaying back and forth as a three-month-old Ella slept, head slumped against my shoulder after having cried her way through the entire

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Jeni’s Story: A Moment of Bliss

I had imagined the first few months of motherhood to be filled with blissful moments of effortless breastfeeding, a cooing, happy baby, and a sense of accomplishment and purpose. Motherhood turned out

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Christine’s Story: Surviving Silent Reflux

Before my baby was born, I spent months in search of the perfect everything: The crib that would be the perfect size to wheel into our bedroom, an organic mattress that would ensure no toxins be near her

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Looking Back on Colic

I find it somewhat therapeutic to revisit some of the horrific memories from the past 7 months. Adjusting to mommyhood was tough for me and on top of that, Greta was/is not an “easy” baby. Yes,

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